Worldcoin (WLD) Investigated by French Privacy Watchdog for Biometric Data Collection

• Worldcoin (WLD), a crypto project using eye-scanning technology, is under investigation in France days after launching and signing up over two million users.
• The French privacy watchdog, the CNIL, is questioning the legality of Worldcoin’s biometric data collection system.
• Worldcoin says its “robust privacy program” meets current regulatory requirements and uses zero-knowledge proofs to protect user privacy.

Worldcoin (WLD) Under Investigation in France

Days after launching and signing up over two million users, crypto project Worldcoin (WLD) is reportedly under investigation in France by the nation’s privacy watchdog, the CNIL.

Biometric Data Collection Legality Questioned

The CNIL has questioned the legality of Worldcoin’s biometric data collection system which involves iris-scanning orbs. However, the Worldcoin Foundation has stated that their protocol was “designed to protect individual privacy” and meets current regulatory requirements.

Zero Knowledge Proofs Used for Privacy Protection

In order to protect user privacy, Worldcoin uses zero-knowledge proofs (ZKPs). ZKPs are cryptographic methods to prove that specific data is true without revealing the actual data itself. This allows users to prove they are unique humans without having to reveal personal information about themselves.

UK Watchdog Investigating as Well

Earlier this week, Worldcoin also faced an inquiry from a UK watchdog for similar reasons. Currently trading at $2.18 USD per coin, Worldcoin (WLD) has seen a 0.2% decrease during its last 24 hours of trading on marketplaces .


With multiple inquiries from both French and UK watchdogs regarding its biometric data collection system and protocols designed for enhanced user privacy protection thanks to zero knowledge proofs (ZKPs), it remains unclear what will be next for WorldCoin in regards to regulations moving forward given its recent launch just days ago with over 2 million users signed up already providing proof of personhood every 8 seconds on average according to their statistics .